Monday, September 15, 2008

Upper left: Floodwaters from Salt Creek in front of a house in Addison. When I arrived they were within ten feet of the house. When I left, they were at the basement windows.
Middle left: Kids play on sand hauled into Addison neighborhood for bagging.

Middle: A Prospect Heights woman tried to drive through the floodwaters in her neighborhood and discovered she couldn't make it.

Bottom: Fire equipment at Sunset Meadows Park in Arlington Heights as fire divers recover the body of a man who went swimming in the floodwaters. The park had become a twenty-foor deep retention pond.
I took some water in my basement. Not worth photos. Just a lot of damaged carpet and a leak that seems to be hidden behind some built-in bookshelves. A little work for me, more work for a carpenter who will have to dismantle the shelves!


Helen Ginger said...

Was this from Ike, Doug?

I live in Texas and we didn't get a single drop of rain. Strange hurricane.

Doug M.Cummings said...

Wow that is amazing. We actually got more rain in Chicago that weekend than they did in Houston.
It was all Ike or Ike-related...I watched it on radar coming up from the Gulf. That's where we get our most persistent, rainy weather since we're sort of the logical trough between the two major mountain ranges. Interesting true fact to know and tell (as we used to say in grade school!).