Monday, June 24, 2013

Who Was Wallenda Walking With?

Lots of stories today about high-wire walker Nic Wallenda's death-defying stroll across part of the Grand Canyon last evening.

I missed the actual broadcast. Many of my Facebook friends say it was exciting but tough to watch at the same time. From the news coverage, I bet it was. I'm encouraged by the bits I've seen, however. Especially encouraged by his words as he stepped out on the wire.

"Thank you, Jesus, for this beautiful view."

Wow. That's impressive. Praise in a situation like that. Praise and thanks as he moves along ("Thank you Lord. Thank you for calming that cable, God," CBS quotes him as saying about 13 minutes into the walk)!

Not:  "It was really stupid of me to do this, Jesus, but save me anyway 'cause, you know, IMHO, my life is really important, and by the way if you let me do this without screwing up, I'll make a BIG donation to the nearest church as soon as you let me get off this wire safely!"

Which is what I have said after climbing on the wire of my own choosing MANY times!

Praise and thanks. Hmmm. Wonder if he read Psalm 148, for example:  "Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights. . ."

Just some pondering on a Monday morning. 

1 comment:

Michelle S said...

I just think he is plum crazy. :)