Friday, February 26, 2010

Sheriff to Students: "Ignore the Rules"

The pro-handgun Sheriff of Latimer County, Colorado is challenging Colorado State University's handgun ban in a controversial way.

Sheriff James Alderden says the ban will not reduce crime but, indeed, have the opposite effect of letting crooks know the students are helpless. The new CSU rule also covers pepper spray.

Alderden says if a student carrying one of his lawfully issued concealed carry pistol permits is arrested, he will refuse to book the student into his jail. He also says he will go to court and testify on that student's behalf.

I hold permits which allow me to carry a concealed firearm in about forty states (ironically, not in my home state which has no option for concealed carry by non-law enforcement personnel). I was trained first as a law enforcement officer and NRA-qualified handgun instructor. I have updated my training in some fashion every year since I renewed my interest in handguns and target shooting about four years ago.

I support reasonable concealed carry laws with mandated, real-world training.

All of that said, I don't agree with Sheriff Alderden's position.

The University has the right to set rules on its campuses. I don't like the fact my home state doesn't allow me to carry a concealed weapon but, it's the law. I don't like it but I follow the law.

Sheriff Alderden has told the media that students will be "okay if they don't get caught." Unfortunately, that's the way a lot of politicians look at the world. It's also the way the bad guys think. Is that the way the Sheriff encourages young people to approach life?

I believe in the Second Amendment and in laws that allow appropriately trained individuals to carry concealed weapons. I think Colorado State University officials are short-sighted in adopting a rule that prevents lawful carry by permit holders.

But. It's their campus...their rules. Work to change the rules, Sheriff. Don't urge your permit holders to break them.

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