Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has made it clear. He only supports the idea of cops, politicians and his well-connected friends owning handguns. He certainly doesn't want the Average Windy City Joe or Josephine to have that privilege.
I figure that following all the new requirements set forth in the Daley gun ordinance will take about five or six years, especially if I'm right and the mayor has ordered that his new bureaucracy run as slowly as a kid to get a cavity filled.
Daley purports to be against gun violence. His argument appears to be...if you keep guns away from legitimate buyers, there won't be any guns. No matter that the "illegitimate buyers", AKA the bad guys, never paid attention to his gun ban and now have no interest in the red tape of his new law. They buy their guns where they can find them. Yes a certain number of them are stolen from legitimate owners, but that number is so infinitesmal it really doesn't matter. Accidental deaths from gun accidents are also a concern but they aren't what's killing innocents on an average of two or three a night.
Daley, as usual, is all about political puffery, not protecting his citizens. I'm sure his argument seems logical to those who work in lofty offices and listen to NPR all day and have never fired a handgun (ewwe those scary things? Never! cries Buffy from her 25th floor Lincoln Park condo with doorman and security) but all it does is show me how shallow and desperate he really is.
As usual, the regular guy suffers.
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