Friday, July 18, 2008

This is a request from the moderator of the Murder Must Advertise group on Yahoo. MMA is a great resource for mystery writers/readers and I'm more than happy to do Jeff a favor. We all owe him one, don't you think?
For those of you who don't know, I'm the moderator of MMA, the manbehind the curtain who tries to keep things going smoothly aroundhere.Normally I don't ask anything of anyone on the this group. I do thisfor my own pleasure and edification, but I was hoping to ask a favortoday. I've had to curtail a lot of my travel this summer for my newbook, due to a rather lengthy and painful ear infection. My earpopping is extremely painful, so obviously plane travel is out. It'smeant that I can't do many appearances for my new book, AnthonyBoucher (ISBN: 978-0-7864-3320-9).My favor and my hope is that you would request that your locallibrary purchase this book. The publisher McFarland is focused mainlyon library sales, so that would be sufficient for my sales.I'm also doing a postcard mailing to hundreds of libraries where I'vespoken in the past, but I'd also welcome other ideas to promote thebook without travel. I'm likely to miss B'con this year, but I havewritten an article about Boucher for their program book and websitewhich hopefully will generate some sales. If you cared to post thison other lists as well, that would be great..

Jeff (aka the moderator)Jeffrey Marks

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